Introductory Material
- What is Linked Data? Short video introduction to Linked Data by Manu Sporny.
- What is JSON-LD? Short video introduction to JSON-LD by Manu Sporny.
- JSON-LD: Core Markup An overview of some of the core markup features of JSON-LD including types, aliasing, nesting, and internationalization support by Manu Sporny.
- JSON-LD: Compaction and Expansion An overview of JSON-LD's compaction and expansion features and how you can use them to merge data from multiple sources by Manu Sporny.
- Linked Data Signatures An overview of how digital signatures can be added to Linked Data to provide verifiable statements on the Web by Manu Sporny.
- Credentials on the Web A quick introduction to verifiable credentials on the Web by Manu Sporny.
- Creating 3rd Generation Web APIs with JSON-LD and Hydra, Markus Lanthaler.
Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 22nd International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2013), pp. 35-37.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: ACM Press.
- Model Your Application Domain, Not Your JSON Structures, Markus Lanthaler and Christian Gütl.
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on RESTful Design (WS-REST 2013) at WWW2013, pp. 1415-1420.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: ACM Press.
- Hydra: A Vocabulary for Hypermedia-Driven Web APIs, Markus Lanthaler and Christian Gütl.
Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Linked Data on the Web (LDOW2013) at WWW2012. Rio de Janeiro.
- On Using JSON-LD to Create Evolvable RESTful Services, Markus Lanthaler and Christian Gütl.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on RESTful Design (WS-REST 2012) at WWW2012, pp. 25-32.
Lyon, France: ACM Press.
- JSON-LD: JSON for the Social Web by Gregg Kellogg, W3C Social Standards Workshop 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA.
- Building Next-Generation Web APIs with JSON-LD and Hydra by Markus Lanthaler, Symfony Live Portland 2013, OR, USA.
- Model Your Application Domain, Not Your JSON Structures by Markus Lanthaler, World Wide Web Conference (WWW2013), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Hydra: A Vocabulary for Hypermedia-Driven Web APIs by Markus Lanthaler, World Wide Web Conference (WWW2013), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- JSON-LD: JSON for Linked Data by Gregg Kellogg, Semantic Technology & Business Conference (SemTechBiz SF 2012), San Francisco, CA, USA.
- JSON-LD for RESTful Services by Markus Lanthaler, World Wide Web Conference (WWW2012), Lyon, France.
- JSON-LD and MongoDB by Gregg Kellogg, NoSQL Now! 2012, San Jose, CA, USA.
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